Portrait of Helge

About me

Dr. Helge Martin Brösamle

Everything we encounter in life can be seen, experienced, explored and understood in an innumerable number of ways. Boundaries and transitions between ways of thinking keep interesting me particularly.

Getting to know various professional fields with their diverse perspectives and communicative styles has been a central part of my work.
The spectrum of my experiences ranges from the development of control software for a biotechnology laboratory up to research collaborations between architects, computer scientists, psychologists, roboticists and sociologists. Projects often involved both industrial and academic partners.

From 2007 to 2012, I conducted interviews with architects and urban planners, whose freehand sketches and gestures I analysed for my research. The resulting dissertation in cognitive science under Prof Christoph Hölscher at the University of Freiburg was awarded for its interdisciplinary approach.

Graphic media proved to be a crucial tool for interdisciplinary collaboration in my subsequent consulting work at ETH Zurich. Within the same period, I realised a series of artistic exhibition projects in Berlin and Leipzig. A family-run building project alongside the development of a virtual planning environment for architects and engineers raised my awareness of those aspects of creative work that go beyond sketches, gestures or plans and are based on interpersonal interaction.

The name Helge, which I began using around 2022, marks a reorientation. During two systemic training courses with Atita Hammes and Marlis Bader, I learnt how enriching a non-judgemental and present attitude can be when working with clients. Currently I am training to become a mediator at the Akademie Perspektivenwechsel with Christian Ertl in Munich, which I expect to have completed at the first half of 2025.