
My intention is to create a setting in which people can recognise each other and develop in mutuality.
A space that provides people with the freedom and security to express themselves in their own respective personal languages – to give form to what really touches them.

My offer for Groups and Teams puts an emphasis on communication and cooperation in a professional context, regardless of the specialist area, industry or type of organization. What ultimately matters is how people interact with each other, develop ideas, overcome professional boundaries, resolve differences, etc.

Individual Coaching focuses on your role and your task within a productive team.
For example, as a head of a team, you will manage a design project, but have little experience with the dynamics of creative work.

Together, we determine in advance those areas in which you would like support. Depending on the project requirements, I will provide selective input or give more intensive guidance on certain project phases.

Creative facilitation is a journey to encounter your creative side. You may have a building project coming up or want to give your garden a more personal touch. At the same time, you find it difficult to develop concrete ideas.

External and inner processes go hand in hand. Critical issues need to be examined and crises overcome.

Perhaps something wants to be given a space into which it can develop?

Moderation and Exchange between Disciplines

Good communication starts at the interpersonal level – even when it is primarily about content.

In academic exchange as well as between industry and research, ways of thinking and communicative styles are an additional challenge. The willingness to communicate considerately is an important prerequisite. Nevertheless, this is often not sufficient to credibly overcome disciplinary boundaries.

An independent moderator can make a decisive contribution to constructive communication:

  • within Teams
  • among Colleagues
  • within Family Business
  • between Project Partners
  • across Faculties

Creative Processes

The adventure and freedom of creative processes are among the most satisfying experiences of all.

Regardless of whether it's a website, the garden at home or a new office concept, we are faced with a whole spectrum of challenges when it comes to concept and design activities.

  • Find Inspiration
  • Steer Creative Flow
  • Overcome Blocks and Crises
  • Handle Tools and Media
  • Team Communication
  • Technical Questions
  • Foundational Questions

I look forward to supporting you with your project!


Your mission, your project, you as a person...presented in an authentic and comprehensible manner.
Signals want to be tailored to your message, your style, your intention.
In all the nuances.

  • Visual Media
  • Text
  • Presentation
  • Exhibition
  • Communicative Spaces

Initial Consultation

Feel free to contact me, so that we can arrange an initial consultation meeting.
For this, no costs will be charged.

Looking forward to your enquiry!